The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom or the U.K., is a sovereign state located off the northwestern coast of mainland Europe. It comprises four neighbouring island countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Although England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland are “nations”, they are not officially independent countries. Instead, they are part of the country of The United Kingdom (UK)—and bound by the U.K. constitution. Each of the four U.K. countries has local governments, which manage local affairs, such as healthcare and other social services. A democratically-elected U.K. government oversees all national and international affairs, including student visas and other education-related regulations.
Acquiring a U.K. Student VISA gives a sky-rocketing boost to your bright career.
The U.K. has been one the world’s most preferred educational destinations with centuries-old Universities which even today hold prime rankings in the world education system. Many of the intelligent brains of the world have gained their knowledge from one of these Universities. The U.K. is the second favourite destination for international education. The various sectors of higher education preferred in the United Kingdom are engineering, business, management, art, design, and law.

Why Study In The U.K.?

The United Kingdom (U.K.) and its universities provide undisputed excellent and quality academics. A plethora of courses are catered to international students and this is one of the forces that make the U.K. an ideal study destination, for over a million international students from all over the world.

  • 1

    Affordable education

    Determine the Visa type for your travel purpose.
  • 2

    Internationally recognized courses and qualifications

    Start your transaction by applying to our branches.
  • 3

    Innovative and abundant research opportunities

    Collect all the required documents the process.
  • 4

    Scholarships and financial support

    Receive your visa, which is finalized after application,
  • 5

    Multicultural Nation

    Receive your visa, which is finalized after application,
  • 6

    The best possible place to study and learn English

    Receive your visa, which is finalized after application,
  • 7

    Wide variety of courses to choose from

    Receive your visa, which is finalized after application,
  • 8

    Possible to work while you study

    Receive your visa, which is finalized after application,

Types Of Student Visa

Depending upon the Course/Program duration there are four types of U.K. study visas.


No. of intakes in a year: 3

Eligibility Requirements For Students In Universities

If you satisfy the following conditions, you can apply for a U.K. student visa from India:

Student Visa Requirements

Steps To Apply

Processing Time

The processing period, in general, for a student visa in the United Kingdom is 3 weeks (15 days) after submitting the completed application.
If the Visa Approval is delayed, one can inquire by contacting the British High Commission or VFS, where administration of the Visa application centers for the U.K. Border Agency in India is maintained. One can also check the status of their visa application by starting the VFS SMS alert service or using their online tracking system. If a U.K. student visa application takes a long period to get approval, then the reason must be complexity, for example, because:

Dependent Visa

The spouse or children are granted a Dependent Visa for the same period as the principal applicant. It only applies to the PhD degree application. Undergraduates are not permitted to bring dependents to the U.K.
The spouse or children are granted a Dependent Visa for the same period as the principal applicant. It only applies to the Master’s degree application. Undergraduates are not permitted to bring dependents to the U.K.
Each dependent will have to apply as a ‘dependent on a Points Based System migrant’ if the prime applicant holds a student visa. Each dependant must submit a separate application and pay the cost individually.
Along with personal maintenance money, one must prove the availability of an extra £845 (inside London) or £680 (outside London) for each dependant for each month, up to a maximum of 9 months. In case one has taken a scholarship, it can be used to support the living expenses of dependents. The scholarship letter must specify that the money is also for dependents.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the Academic percentage required to study in the U.K.?

    To study in the U.K., you need to score above 55 percent in your academics. Because the universities in the U.K. will consider candidates having more than 55 percent for any type of course.

  • Do U.K. universities accept 15 years of education?

    Yes, because the minimum years of education required to study in the U.K. is 12 years. Hence, U.K. universities will accept 15 years of education.

  • What is the minimum IELTS score required for a student visa in the U.K.?

    The IELTS Score requirement varies based on the type of Student VISA you apply for.

    If you apply for General Student VISA for below degree level and pre-sessional courses, then IELTS score required would be 6.0 bands or more whereas IELTS UKVI score required would be more than 4.0 bands.

    If you apply for General Student VISA for Undergraduate, Postgraduate, or Ph.D. courses, then IELTS score required would be 6.0 to 7.0 bands or more whereas IELTS UKVI score required would be more than 4.5 to 5.5 bands.

  • Do the U.K. universities accept profiles with a long education gap and backlogs?

    Yes, these profiles are accepted with a proper statement of purpose. But you need to note that highly reputed universities will not consider applicants with backlogs even though they have good GRE/GMAT scores. U.K. universities are quite lenient while accepting applicants with backlogs.

  • Can I Get U.K. student visa without IELTS?

    Yes, you can get a U.K. study visa without IELTS if you can show the immigration authorities a document from the university where you have been admitted that you are eligible for a study visa without IELTS.