Other Services


Financial agreement where lender gives money, borrower repays with interest over time.


Helping or supporting someone with a task or problem, often in need or challenge.

Overseas Insurance Facility

The Overseas Insurance Facility offers coverage for travel-related risks for individuals abroad.

Complete Travel Booking

Complete Travel Booking offers end-to-end trip planning, including flights, accommodations, and activities.

Domestic /International

"Domestic" refers to local students, while "International" refers to foreign students.

Foreign Currency Exchange

Currency exchange swaps one currency for another at agreed-upon rates worldwide.

VISA Interview Dates Booking

Booking visa interview dates is crucial for timely application processing.

After Landing Support

Assistance and services provided to newcomers after arriving in a new country.

Admission with/without IELTS

Admission with/without IELTS: entry to schools without mandatory English test.